Lake Bonnet Village

(1) Review

2900 East Lake Bonnet Road, Avon Park, FL, 33825

Are you looking for a big rig and pet friendly campground in Avon Park, FL? Then Lake Bonnet Village located on 2900 East Lake Bonnet Road might be the place for you. The site includes WiFi, water, sewer, electricity, laundry facilities; and can host activities like Shuffleboard, swimming outdoors, boating, wildlife viewing, and fishing.
Last Updated: 11/15/2024

RV Site

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Full hook up 30 amps $40.00 $215.00

General Policies

LAUNDRY 1. Laundry facilities are open for members, renters, and their overnight guests only. 2. Rules for use are posted in the laundry rooms and are attached to these Rules as Exhibit “B” and must be observed by all.

General Policies

MISCELLANEOUS 1. Quiet time in the park is from 10:00 pm to 8:00 am. When contracting with companies, you are required to tell them of these rules. 2. Mail is picked up at the mailbox and delivered to the designated mailboxes. The resident is responsible to notify the post office of any address changes. 3. All federal, state, county, city, and South Florida Water Management rules are always to be followed. 4. Cell phones are to be shut off at all Corporation meetings. 5. Legitimate complaints concerning infractions of Rules and Regulations shall be reported to the Board of Directors, in writing and signed by the complainant. 6. No notices/posters may be placed on the mailboxes. 7. All passenger vehicles must have a LBV identification tag. 8. Individual yard sales are not permitted.

General Policies

REFUSE 1. All garbage must be securely wrapped in plastic bags and placed in front of your site on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday by 8:30 a.m. November through May. June through October, pickup will be on Tuesday and Fridays. Do not put trash out the night before. 2. There are disposal facilities for tires, batteries, paints, propane tanks, oils and other hazardous wastes in the county. These are not to be dropped off at our refuse site. 3. All contractors shall remove from LBV all waste and debris generated by them. Failure to remove waste and/or debris shall constitute a violation of the Rules and Regulations and the homeowner may be subject to eviction pursuant to Sec. 723.061, Fla. Statues, or the cooperative documents. 4. Yard waste must be put inside the yard waste container. Cut yard waste into maximum three (3) foot lengths.

General Policies

SAFETY 1. The Village speed limit for all vehicles is 10 MPH. All posted regulations and signs must be observed. 2. Motorcycles are not allowed to be operated in the Village, except as transportation means in and out of the Village. And only directly between the entrance and the lot/site. 3. No gasoline powered golf-carts, go-carts, scooters, ATV’s, etc. are permitted in the Village. 4. Golf carts may only be driven by residents old enough to obtain a drivers license. Between dusk and dawn all carts must have their front and rear lights on. 5. Bicycles ridden at night are required to have front light and rear reflectors. 6. All pedestrians must be illuminated for night visibility with a flashlight or a red flashing light (one per group) between dusk and dawn. 7. Roller Blading is not permitted in the Village. 8. For safety purposes the outside lamp posts are to be lit every night. 9. No alcoholic beverages shall be used in excess by any resident or guest in any common area. 10. Only emergency messages will be delivered by the Village office. However, the Corporation does not assume any responsibility or liability for failure to deliver or report such messages. 11. The Corporation shall not be responsible for custodial care of Residents who become disabled by reason of mental or physical illness. 11. The Corporation shall not be liable for accident or injury to any person or property, arising from the use of recreational facilities by a Resident or the Resident’s guests. The Resident and his or her guests use these facilities at their own risk and assume liability for such physical damage or personal injury caused by such use.

General Policies

PETS 1. House pets are permitted and welcomed but the following rules must be observed: 2. Only house pets are permitted. A maximum of two (2) pets are permitted per home or RV. All pets must be registered at the office. (If available, a pet photo may be submitted to the Village office to aid in the return of any lost pet.). 3. Pets must be properly inoculated, licensed, and cared for. A copy of inoculation report for each pet must be provided to the Village Office. 4. No pets are permitted to run at large or otherwise be a nuisance or endanger other residents, guests, or other pets. 5. Pets must be on a leash at all times when outside the unit. No pet may be tied up outside the unit for a prolonged time. 6. Pets are not to be left alone for any long period of time. 7. Dogs may not disturb Residents or other pets by barking. 8. Pets must be walked directly to and from the pet walk. The Pet walk area is located on the north side of the county road west of the mailboxes. 9. You must pick up after your pet and dispose of waste properly. 10. The Board reserves the right to prohibit any resident or guest from keeping a pet in the event that said resident or guest fails to observe one or more of the rules. 11. Park residents must advise their overnight guests who may have pets that the pet rules must be followed. 12. No park resident is permitted to bring in and/or board pets from outside the park. 13. No pets are allowed in common buildings. 14. Residents are responsible for damage to other property caused by their pets. 15. Pets are to be limited to 30 pounds and shall exclude the following breeds: German Shepherd, Pit Bull, Doberman, Rottweiler, Chow and Akias or breed excluded by the Corporation’s insurance company. 16. Guests may bring in pets subject to the rules of the park set forth above.

General Policies

MOBILE AND RV UNITS 1. Residents shall maintain the safety and beauty of the grounds. Residents are responsible for the overall appearance of their unit and lots. This includes the washing of the unit and appenditures. Lots are to be kept orderly, neat, clean, and free of litter and shall be weeded as needed. General care of the lawn, shrubs, and trees is the responsibility of the member or resident. Residents must obtain the Site-Change Committee’s prior written approval of the type and location of any trees or shrubs to be planted before any planting occurs. No tree shall be removed from the site without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors. 2. Any residents desiring to make any changes on their site, alter it in any way, such as addition or improvement (including utility sheds-size, placement, roofovers, siding, painting of driveway, etc.) must have prior approval by the Site-Change Committee. The Resident must submit a written request to the Board and the Board will then answer such request in writing within ten (10) working days. 3. All units in place six (6) months or more per year must be tied down and skirted. Tie downs must comply with all applicable government laws and regulations. 4. Residents may not repaint or install siding of a color other than the existing color without prior written approval of the Site-Change Committee. 5. In the event that Village property is damaged by a resident or a guest or invitee of a resident, that resident shall be responsible for cost of labor and materials to repair/replace damaged items. 6. Collapsible umbrella clothes lines are allowed and shall be located at the rear area of your site, if there is room on your site. It cannot infringe on your neighbors’ property. No other type will be permitted. If you mow your own lawn site, the umbrella may be left up. Otherwise it will need to be removed for lawn mowing and nothing should be left above the ground. Hanging of clothes on awnings, carports, screen rooms, etc. is not permitted. 7. Recreational vehicles are allowed to be parked on a mobile home resident’s lot for loading or unloading for a period not to exceed 48 hours, providing they are not blocking a driveway or the street right of way. 8. No fences of any kind (wood, wire, shrubbery, etc.) for privacy or boundary dividers are permitted. Those now in existence are to be grandfathered in as of this date, but cannot be replaced. Upon sale of home or RV, the grandfather clause becomes null and void and the fence must be removed. 9. Major repairs, overhauling, or painting of vehicles, is not permitted in L.B.V. No commercial-type vehicle is permitted to be parked on the site except when an outside service is temporarily rendering a service. Unlicensed or inoperable vehicles will not be permitted in L.B.V. and will be towed at the owners’ expense to the extent permitted under Florida law and (if applicable) the rental prospectus. 10. Residents Occupied Units are allowed to store only the following on their lot: One (1) boat/trailer Two (2) passenger vehicles, i.e. cars/trucks Two (2) golf carts Residents Unoccupied Units (with carports) If you are not occupying your unit, you are allowed to store under your carport only. Unoccupied Units (without carports) are not allowed to store anything on the grassy area. 11. Parking is not allowed between units if it encroaches on a neighbor’s site except by mutual written consent with the adjacent neighbors. No parking is permitted on vacant lots or common areas except where specifically indicated. 12. All automatic sprinklers (grandfathered) must be turned off when you leave for the summer. No new inground sprinklers allowed. 13. It is the responsibility of the unit owners to have their property maintained when they are absent. They are to provide the Village Manager with the name of the person who is responsible for the maintenance and appearance of their lot. Lots that become unsightly due to an overgrowth of weeds and/or shrubs will have the property serviced by L.B.V. and the Resident shall be charged for the service as authorized by the cooperative documents or (if applicable) the rental prospectus. 14. Residents are strongly encouraged to carry his/her own liability insurance policy and provide a copy of that liability insurance policy to the office. 15. When you leave your unit for the season make sure to turn off your water at the house shutoff and store ALL loose items, such as lawn furniture, flower pots, ladders, bikes, etc. 16. No Corporation power tools shall be loaned to residents for any purpose except as provided in #17 below. 17. Volunteers are permitted to use power tools when working on common ground. 18. Village Maintenance or employees of the Corporation are prohibited from working on any Resident’s site or any unit or site except on common areas. 19. Freestanding carports or tents are not permitted without the express written consent of the Site Change Committee. 20. If a home or RV is removed from the lot, the owner must remove all other structures, including tie downs. The lot and cement must be left clear and with no damage to the utility hookups when the unit is removed. If a home or RV is destroyed by a natural disaster, the Resident will have four (4) months to clean up the lot. The resident will pay to have the damaged home or RV removed as authorized by these rules, the cooperative documents, and (if applicable) the rental prospectus. 21. If a share is sold in the mobile home section or on Redwood or Driftwood and the lot is empty, the purchaser agrees to place a park model on the lot within six (6) months of the closing of the contract Any new home in L.B.V. must be approved in writing by the Board of Directors prior to its placement and installation on the lot.

Laundry Facilities

Big Rig Friendly

Water Hookups

Fitness Room

Dump Station


Cable Hookups

Sewer Hookups

Fire Pit

Pet Friendly


50 Amps

Picnic Table

30 Amps




Swimming Outdoors

Wildlife Viewing

2900 East Lake Bonnet Road, Avon Park, FL, 33825
Campground Location Click to open the map